Peter started his local marketing agency when he lost his "office worker job" during the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis.
Contrary to the promises of instant success being touted by the "gurus", Peter faced significant challenges growing his agency, and drained his bank accounts dry in the process.
However, after a chance meeting with a mentor who gave him "the final key to success", Peter's fortunes changed as he quickly began earning over $10,000 - then eventually over $50,000 per month from his living room coffee table.
Today, Peter has empowered over 50,000 "everyday people" to replicate his success through his online trainings & coaching programs.
And with the launch of his latest live training, "The Copybot Operator Method", he's set to redefine local marketing agency business model once again.
Beyond business, Peter would rather be chasing his 16 month old son around the house and pretending to be a dinosaur or riding his mountain bike in the woods - instead of sitting at a computer for 8 hrs a day.
This is why he built an AI clone of himself called "PeteBot" who does most of the work for him. Sign up to the training below to see how he's doing it...